On May 25, 2021, a thematic workshop on data for SDG was held, dedicated to indicators in the field of ecology. The workshop was organized in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations Permanent Coordinator in the Republic of Serbia, the Regional Office for Europe of the United Nations Environment Program, the Belgrade Open School and the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS).
The aim of the workshop was to support SORS in identifying sources and improving the availability of data related to environmental protection, as part of a project to improve the indicator framework for monitoring and reporting on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals.
The workshop was attended by numerous representatives of the institutions of the Republic of Serbia, ministries and agencies, as well as representatives of civil society and international organizations. The workshop was held in a hybrid form, with the physical presence of the participants in the UN building, as well as through the virtual presence of the participants through an online platform.